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  • 2024-03-29 05:13
简介 耶稣也是素食者(英文)ANCIENT SCROLLS SUGGEST THAT JESUS WAS A VEGETARIAN "Ye shall not eat the flesh of any creature, nor yet anything which bringeth disorder..




"Ye shall not eat the flesh of any creature, nor yet anything which bringeth disorder to your health or senses."

The Qumran scrolls which are claimed to have been written long before the Bible, suggest that Jesus was a vegetarian. For more information visit some Essene related sites on the web. Here are a few Essene-related sites.

All Creatures.Org

Why Be A Vegetarian?

Christian Animal Rights Effort


It is recorded in the homilies of St. Chrysostom that Jesus told his disciples if they wanted to learn the mysteries of God, they would first have to be of humane character. He said to them: "For if ye are disposed to be humane, ye will learn of the unspeakable mysteries....Be ye therefore humane, that ye may hear these things."

Here St. Chrysostom implies that those who are prepared to receive Christ and His holy law will be entertained by Christ's words, "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the world."

The word humane describes man at his very human best, man who not only knows God's laws, but lives by them daily, for humaneness is a virtue that results from the understanding of the 14 spiritual fruits of the holy spirit. (See the Holy Law Code.) It can be said that the present Bible translations of our day discredit greatly the humane quality of Jesus. his teachings being tampered with by Bible editors of the third and fourth centuries.

Only the Essene writings contain the complete story of the most kind and generous of all men, a man that by his moral strength of holy character puts all other men to shame, especially the religious frauds of today who preach in his holy name. Yes, so-called men of God who eat animal flesh, hunt, fish, trap animals, indulge in hard drink, lead sordid sex lives, participate in politics, support warfare and weapons and have an absolute lack of interest in the human affairs of their fellow man, not to mention the innocent creatures of God. There are very few men who can call themselves men of God who can even come close to the standard of humaneness Christ set for his true disciples. Jesus warned of such men who would mislead the sheep of his fold for dishonest gain and riches, men interested in fame only and not in the truth of the Godhead. Little do such men realize their fate when Christ tells them: "Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness, I know you not!"

The following Gospel can help many back to the narrow road of life. All are invited there is still time to make the right change for the better and follow God's law for life. There is no substitute for truth; the Essenes proved this long ago as they accepted the Christ while others did not. They proved to be the very fountainhead of pristine Christianity, and because of them we have this humane gospel today to read and study. John the Baptist was without the slightest doubt an Essene prophet raised up by God to announce and make ready for the coming of Christ on earth. He was a forerunner of the kingdom's promised heir and Messiah. Thus he was spiritually and physically prepared to identify with and relate to prophecies concerning him. The Essene brotherhood, established long before Jesus' birth, was in all readiness to provide whatever Jesus would need in the way of shelter, food and right education under their lofty standards set into motion for and by God's holy law. If it were not for the Essenes we would have no gospel whatsoever today, for they were responsible for its original writing and careful preservation. Copies of the gospel in fragment form are and have been discovered in many lands. And slowly but surely, we will one day soon have most of Jesus' writings. St· John told us this when he said:

"The writings of Jesus would indeed fill many books, which the world could not contain."

The Birth of John the Baptist It was in the days of Herod, King of Judea that a priest known as Zacharias....And his wife Elizabeth were found by God to be righteous and pure....Thus keeping the Holy Law and its commandments to the letter. But they had no children, Elizabeth being barren and both well into the years of life....Zacharias' duty was to burn incense in the temple of the True God....And it was at this time that an angel of the Lord appeared unto him saying: "Have no fear, Zacharias, for thy prayer has been heard and answered, for surely thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son, even John, shalt thou call his name. And thou shalt have much gladness and rejoicing; for many shall welcome his birth; for John shall be great in the eyes of the Lord, and he shall eat no animal flesh, nor drink strong drink at any time; he being filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his very beginning, from his mother's womb. And for a certainty, many of the children of Israel shall he turn back to the True God of Love; for he shall be sent by HIM in the same spirit and power of Elias.......To make ready a holy people prepared for the Lord." .·· And Zacharias said unto the archangel Gabriel..."I am ,, old man, and my wife is old also, tell me, how is this to take place?" And Gabriel, one of the seven glories of the True God Eternal, spake unto Zacharias, informing him of his son to come. And it came to pass, after a time, that Elizabeth conceived....Even a son as the angel foretold to be named John.

...Now John in his coming manhood would be educated in the Holy Law of God, he being the promised forerunner and announcer of the holy Christ.

And it was in the sixth month that the holy Gabriel was again sent by God unto a certain place of Galilee to a virgin named Mary, espoused to a man of the royal line of David, whose name was Joseph. Now Joseph was holy and pure minded, skilled in the trade of woodworking and stone masonry. And Mary was gentle and kind, with a discerning mind and humble spirit before the Lord. Both were pronounced good and holy before God; and of them was Jesus (Jesu-Maria), who is called later the Christ or Messiah.

Thus Gabriel came unto Mary and said, "Behold, Mary, thou art highly favored of God, for the Motherhood of God is surely with thee; blessed art thou among women, for blessed will be the fruit of thy womb." And when Mary beheld the glorious angel of God, she was confused at his saying, and wondered what manner of salutation this should mean for her. But Gabriel understanding her mind, spake unto her saying, "Fear not, Mary, and be not troubled with your thinking, for thou hast found favour with God. For behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a holy child of the Most High, and He shall be great and shall be called a Son of the Highest Order. For a certainty the All-Eternal One shall give unto Him alone the very throne of his father David. And he shall rule over all the house of Jacob forever; and of His Kingdom there shall be no end, but it shall reign in peace eternal."

And Gabriel spake further unto her, "The Holy Spirit, even the Mother of Wisdom shall come upon Joseph, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee, O Mary, therefore also is that holy, which shall be born of thee, even Christ, the Child of God, and his name on earth shall be called Jesu-Maria (Jesus), for it is he that shall save the people from bondage to sin, even all those repenting and obeying His Holy Laws.

"Therefore, O Mary, ye shall eat no animal flesh, nor drink strong drink, for the holy child shall be consecrated unto the All-Eternal from its mother's womb, and neither animal flesh nor strong drink shall he eat or drink in any form, nor shall ever a razor touch his head." And the angel Gabriel spake further: "And behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her womb, even of old age will she bring forth, this being the sixth month with her, she who was called barren. For, I say unto you, with God no thing shall ever be impossible." At that, Mary said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it unto me according to thy holy words."

And in the same day, the angel Gabriel appeared unto Joseph while he was asleep, and said unto him: "Hail, Joseph, thou art highly favored by God, for the Fatherhood of God is with thee this day. Blessed art thou among men and blessed be the fruit of thy loins." Joseph, his mind confused, wondered at these words, but Gabriel said unto him: "Fear not, Joseph, thou son of David....

For thou shalt beget a child, and thou shalt call his name Jesu-Maria, for he alone shall save his people from bondage to sin."

Now for a certainty all this was said and done that it might be fulfilled which was written in the prophets saying, "Behold a Maiden shall conceive and be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel, which means 'With us is God's Son."'

Thus Joseph being raised from his sleep, did as Gabriel had told him, and went in unto Mary, his espoused bride, and she conceived in her womb the holy one of God.

Later, at the home of Elizabeth....Mary said unto God, "My soul doth rejoice greatly in God's Son, my Saviour. For thou hast regarded the humility of thy handmaiden; and, behold, from hence-forth all generations shall call me blessed. For Thou that art mighty and powerful hast indeed done to me great things; for Holy is Thy Name and purpose, and Thy mercy is on them that respect Thee from generation to generation, even to eternity....Thou hast exalted the humble and the meek,...And hast remembered Abraham and thy seed forever." And Mary lived on with Elizabeth for three months and then returned to her own home.

The Prophecy of Earth Being Transformed into an Edenic Paradise And Joseph spake these words: "Blessed be the True God of our fathers and our mothers in Israel, for in the acceptable time Thou hast surely heard my voice and in the day of salvation hast Thou always helped me. For did not Thou saith, I will preserve thy holy seed and make with thee a covenant of the people to renew the face of the earth and return every thing back to its root; and to cause the desolate places to be rescued from the very hands of those doing the spoiling. For Thou hast promised to restore Eden over the face of the earth and give peace and joy unto all the creatures. That Thou mayest say to the captives, Go ye forth and be set free, even as ye were born free; and to them that live in darkness, because of fear, Thou sayest, Show yourselves in the light of day, and be ye not afraid any more; for they, one and all, shall again feed in the ways of pleasantness only. For Thy people at that time, shall no more hunt nor worry the creatures with fear of hungerness, for all shall be fed and satisfied, which I have made to rejoice before my eyes. Nay, nor shall any hunger or thirst any more; neither shall the heat of day smite them nor the cold of night destroy them, and none shall be weary or restless, for all shall be at peace with one another, under the Father-Mother God of Eternity....Therefore, Sing ye, Holy Angels in the heavens, and rejoice, thou earthly man; O ye deserts break forth with righteous song: for truly Thou, O God, dost comfort Thy people and all Thy creatures, and surely consoles them that have suffered wrong...."

Now, it came to pass, that Elizabeth's full time came....And she brought forth a son....And all rejoiced with her....And on the eighth day the child was consecrated according to the Holy Law....And a wondrous thing took place....for the child asked for a writing table and did write his own name, John....And they all marvelled, for his mouth was opened by the Lord, and he spake and praised God....

And all they that heard about John were amazed and exclaimed: "What manner of child shall this be! Surely the hand of the eternal

One is upon him!" And the child's father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying, "Blessed be thou, O True God of Israel; for Thou hast surely visited and reclaimed Thy people.

For Thou hast raised up Thy horn of salvation for us in the midst of David's household. Even as Thou spakest by the mouth of Thy holy prophets, which have been with us since the world's beginning, even Adam Thy first prophet, and now my son John, which Thou hast given us. In that we should be saved from our enemies...In order to perform the mercy promised to our ancestors, always thoughtful of Thy holy covenant of old....And because of all these things, O Lord,

Thy child shall be called the Prophet of the Highest, the Prophet of the Eternal All; For he shall truly go before Thy face, O God, to prepare Thy ways for the people; to grant knowledge of salvation unto all nations by tile remission of their sins. For it is through the tender mercy and justice of our God, even Thee our eternal Father whereby the very waters of truth from above hath visited us this day, to give true light to them that sit in darkness and in the very shadow of death itself; and to guide our feet as a lamp before us into the ways of peace and mercy." and became strong in spirit and truth And the child John grew and became strong in the spirit and truth of the Holy Law, but his mission was hidden until the day of his appointed time to appear unto Israel. For it was this John that would one day baptize Jesus and witness to the Christ in the form of a dove descending upon him, thus proclaiming Jesus' identity to the world.

The Birth of Jesus in a Cave

And Joseph and Mary went into Bethlehem, the city of David....And Mary, heavy with child...brought forth her firstborn babe in a cave, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger within the cave, for there was no room to be found for them in the town. And behold, the cave was filled with bright light as of the sun, and it reflected the glory of many holy angels.

And there proved to be in the cave also, an ox, and a horse, and an ass, and a sheep, and beneath the manger was a cat with her little ones, and there were doves also overhead, and each had its mate after its kind, the male with the female. Thus it came to pass that Jesus was born in the midst of the animals which, through the redemption of man from ignorance and sin, he came to redeem from their sufferings, by the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God, all those whosoever liveth according to the Holy Law....

And in the fields, shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks by night, and lo, the angel of God came upon them, and the glory of the Highest shone round about them, and they were much afraid. But the angel said unto them, "Fear not, kind shepherds, for behold, I bring you good tidings of comfort joy and peace.... for unto you is born this day in Bethlehem, the city of David, a Savoir, which is Jesu-Maria, the coming Christ and Holy One of God." And suddenly, there was heard great singing and rejoicing, yea even a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory be to God in the heights of the highest heaven, and on earth below, the seven-fold peace toward all men and women of good will."

The Shepherds now said, "Let us go even unto David's city, and see the holiness, which is come to pass, which our God hath made known unto us this hour." And they journeyed with haste, and found Mary and Joseph in the cave close to Bethlehem, and the Holy Child lying in a manger with many animals about...And when the child Jesus came to be eight days old, he was consecrated to the Lord according to the Holy Law, and named Jesu-Maria (Jesus) even as was spoken by the angel Gabriel before he was conceived in Mary's womb.... And it came to pass that certain wise men heard of this Jesus being born in the cave, near Bethlehem of Judea, Being from far away, these wise men of the East had purified themselves and tasted not of flesh food nor of strong drink in order to find the Christ whom they sought.... for they had seen his star in the heavens and the sign of his presence and had come to worship and honor him as the Holy Child of God, even as it was written beforehand by the holy prophets that gifts would be given unto him at his birth, and that out of Judah shall come forth a Teacher of Righteousness, who should renew the Holy Law unto all the nations of the earth.

And when the wise men saw the babe with Mary his mother, they fell upon their knees, and did obeisance unto him. And when they had opened their treasure chest, they presented unto the Holy Child gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, even as Adam was given such things from Eden, after he took residence in the cave of treasures....And after a time, the wise men being warned of God in a vision that they should not return to Herod, to report the whereabouts of the babe (for Herod sought after the babe to slay him), they departed into their own country with Herod not ever knowing again of them.

Later, behold, an angel of God appeared unto Joseph in a dream, saying. "Arise, and take the young child and the mother, and flee quickly into Egypt; and there remain safely until I bid thee to return, for wicked Herod seeks to destroy Jesus."...And by night they departed into Egypt unto the safety of the holy brotherhood.

With them, their brothers and sisters of the Holy Way, remained for seven years, until word came that Herod was dead. Thus was the prophecy fulfilled, which was spoken of God, saying, "Out of Egypt have I called my Son."...

Elizabeth also, when she heard of Herod's insane plan, took her infant son John up into the mountains and hid him....And when Zacharias would not reveal the whereabouts of John or Jesus, they slew him in the Temple. between the holy place and the altar....

Then when Herod saw that he was fooled by the wise men who returneth not unto him, his anger was exceedingly great, and he sent forth a decree, whereby all the children in Bethlehem and in every nearby coastal town were slain with the sword, from two years old and under did he slay them....Then came to pass the words spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, "In Rama was there a voice heard, much lamentation, and loud weeping, for the mourning was great, Rachel weeping for her children, but would not be comforted, because they are slain."

But when Herod was dead, and all was safe in Israel, behold, an angel of God appeared unto Joseph in Egypt, saying: "Arise in safety, and return your household into the land of Israel, for the wicked are dead which sought after the young child's life." And Joseph arose, and with Mary and Jesus they came into the land of Israel, leaving behind them the brothers and sisters in Egypt, of the Holy Way. And they did dwell in a territory later known as Nazareth, even as Jesus was called the Nazarene.

Now it came to pass, that Joseph and Mary went up to Jerusalem every year to honor the feast of the Unfermented Cakes and Pure Oblation, and they observed the feast after the same manner of their true brethren, who abstained from bloodshed and the eating of flesh and from strong drink.

And on one occasion, when Jesus was 12 years old, he went also to Jerusalem with his parents after the custom of the holy feast. When they had fulfilled the required days of the feast, Jesus tarried behind, but his parents knew not of it....And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of many learned men, both hearing them speak, and asking them questions. And all there that heard Jesus speak, were truly astonished at his understanding and wisdom....And when Mary and Joseph at last confronted him, Jesus replied: "How is it that ye sought after me and could not find did ye not know that I must be in my Parent's House?" But they understood not the saying which Jesus spake unto them.

It was at that time, that a certain prophet seeing Jesus, said unto him, "Behold the Love and the Wisdom of God are one in Thee, therefore in the age to come shalt thou be called Jesu-Maria, for by the anointed Christ shall God save mankind, which now is bitter as the salty sea it shall be turned into sweetness. But to this generation the Bride shall not be made ready, for it is yet to the age to come...
